Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us

By Keith Curry Lance and Debra E. Kachel (Phi Delta Kappan, 2018)

When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost.

“Since 1992, a growing body of research known as the school library impact studies has consistently shown positive correlations between high-quality library programs and student achievement (Gretes, 2013; Scholastic, 2016). Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. Further, when administrators, teachers, and librarians themselves rated the importance and frequency of various library practices associated with student learning, their ratings correlated with student test scores, further substantiating claims of libraries’ benefits. In addition, newer studies, conducted over the last several years, show that strong school libraries are also linked to other important indicators of student success, including graduation rates and mastery of academic standards.”

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School Library Impact Studies
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A large body of Canadian and international research demonstrates the connection between school library programs and student success, and explores the specific factors that are associated with effective library programs.

Current practice in education supports a teacher inquiry approach to action research to build a repertoire of effective instructional practices.

School Library Impact Studies

Exemplary School Libraries in Ontario. A Study by Queen’s University & People for Education. Ontario Library Association, 2009.

School Libraries and Student Achievement in Ontario. A Study by Queen’s University & People for Education. Ontario Library Association, 2006.

Connecting British Columbia (Canada) School Libraries and Student Achievement: A Comparison of Higher and Lower Performing Schools with Similar Overall Funding. Ken Haycock. School Libraries Worldwide, 2011.

Reading for Joy. People for Education, 2011.

Libraries: A Report from People for Education. (2012)

Library Research Service: School Library Impact Studies. A comprehensive list of American and international research into school library efficacy.

Teacher Inquiry and Action Research in Canada

TMCanadaTreasure Mountain Canada (TMC) is a bi-annual research symposium and think tank building collective knowledge about the library learning commons and school improvement. The collection of papers submitted to symposia in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 present a treasure trove of action research into learning commons practice in Canada.